Saturday, April 11, 2009

Delaware Valley Friends School Students Hike Inca Trail

Delaware Valley Friends School (DVFS) students enrolled in ABLE (Adventure Based Learning Program) traveled to Peru last month, hiking the Inca Trail and delivering supplies to the Poques School in Cusco.

The ABLE program is a hands-on, outdoor experiential education program providing students with an alternative way to learn important life skills such as teamwork, problem solving and decision making.

ABLE Director Ken Sinapius led students on the trail soon after their arrival. “The Inca Trail has an elevation of over 5,000 feet ending at an altitude of 13,769 feet. Teamwork was critical to their successful hike and provided the self-confidence to achieve even more the next day.”

After three days of hiking and sightseeing, the students visited the Poques School in Cusco, Peru, delivering warm clothing and school supplies. DVFS students also helped to paint two of the classrooms.

“The Poques students enjoyed interacting with us, even though language was a bit of an issue. While some of our students can speak Spanish, at the Poques School they speak Quechua,” said Sinapius. “The local families prepared a festive meal for us — guinea pig and baked potatoes — to thank us for visiting.”

DVFS students closed their trip with a hike to Machu Picchu.

For further information on DVFS and ABLE, visit

Lily Williams can be reached at

Photos Courtesy of DVFS.

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