(Libertad Digital) As reported by LD, the star judge of the Audiencia Nacional has traveled in the last two years the equivalent of around the world while three served as judge in matters such as Operation hunting, they finally left to the Courts Senior Justice of the Valencian Community and the Community of Madrid.
On these trips, Baltasar Garzon, in addition to lecturing, he has had time to do tourism. The judge, as have La Razón and El Mundo, he took the permission of the CGPJ to move to Peru in August 2007 to visit the Amazon jungle. A publication Peruvian Caretas, he dedicated an extensive photo report in which the judge next to monkeys in the Amazon, leading a mototaxi or wearing a scarf on his head.
The magazine titled its report "Amazon Adventure of Judge Garzon," and recounts, among other things, how the judge piranha fishing on the River Napo, Iquitos. The judge had moved to Peru to attend the second meeting of Financing of Terrorism, held in Lima from 8 to 14 August 2007.
Meanwhile, the world reveals that Garzon claimed 25,000 euros for one hour conference in Mexico. The judge went on October 8, 2007 the town of Tampico, to give a talk entitled "Security and Administration of Justice: Comparative Reflections." The money received was divided among the cache of 14,037 euros and 11,400 in court costs, says El Mundo. These include a stay in a luxury hotel and business class tickets for himself and his bodyguard.
Resource: www.libertaddigital.com spanish to english
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